Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hey Mr. Tamborine Man...

I'm in love with this scrolling thing, so I thought I'd post another song.

Mr. Tambourine Man Lyrics

I'm having dinner tonight with my second and third oldest friends (oldest being a function of the duration of the friendship), both of whom, I feel certain, have spent their share of time silhouetted by the sea.

I was struck while reading an interview with Bob Dylan once in which he admitted he couldn't possibly write, at the age of 60-some, the stuff he wrote at the age of 20-some. I think he might have been referring to the more surreal stuff, like Shakespeare, he's in the alley, etc., but this, really, despite how many times one hears it, is quite a song.

I sometimes look at paintings, or parts of paintings, and wonder how I did them. This would be a for-good-or-for-bad kind of thing. But I still wonder.


Blogger veebee said...

Over the last 3 days with my daughter and 8 others, I walked in heat among gum trees to the southern-most point of the Australian mainland at Wilson's Promontory. I carried no music except what has remained in my memory. After walking 20 kms and arriving at the lighthouse, and staying there for two nights, I walked around the verandah as the greypink light of evening washed the sky and the sea, and Hey Mr Tamborine man was there, whispering around in my head. And now that I'm back in the city, I've been reading and re-reading the lyrics, and 5 decades into my world these lyrics keep standing, no matter how tired my feet.

5:30 PM  

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