Saturday, July 04, 2009

Now THAT'S a fucking blog...

My friend Earl is a man in possession of both keen intelligence and the willingness to apply it. Me? I look in the mirror and shrug, saying, "Hey, batting .500 ain't bad." He's one of those Republicans who looks around and says "What the hell has happened to my political party?"

And who could blame him?

Anyway, help is on the way. I refer, of course, to my cousin Allen's new blog, Red Elephant.

And, because everything I write on The Year of Magical Painting is self-referential to a degree that surely must nauseate many of my readers, I'm reminded of this:

Anyway, you should visit Red Elephant. You can do so by clicking here.

And, while we're talking Republicans (and, being a sporting enough guy, you notice I haven't said a thing about the spectacle that is Sarah Palin), I would also encourage you to read Christopher Buckley's memoir "Losing Mum and Pup" if only to witness the mental and emotional gymnastics a child employs to justify the actions of a selfish, emotionally cruel and, possibly, genuinely evil man. I refer, of course, to William F. Buckley, Jr. The Lion of the Right. The writer, if you will, of the screenplay now called, simply, the Reagan Presidency. And progenitor, if you will, of the demon spawn one might call its sequels.

Currently Mr. Buckley resides in the ninth circle of Hell, keeping a seat ready for Dick Cheney (the writer, if you will, of the screenplay now called, simply, the George W. Bush Presidency).


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