Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Current status

I'm trying to squeeze out a portrait of Timothy Geithner, as celebration of the London Interbank Offered Rate kerkuffle, but it's taking so long that I may have to end up calling it "Libor Day!" rather than the original, and still pending, "The Liborated Geithner."

The painting currently looks like this:

So you can see there's a ways to go.  I should just stop right here, title it "The Jeffersonian Ideal" and call it a day.  The only reason I don't is because I can't wait to inscribe The First Annotation, which will read, roughly, "Is Tim Geithner is the New Joe Paterno?"

I may also inscribe, in balloon letters, something like this:
We Are!
The Fed!
In the meantime, here's a picture of my new bike:

This is a better pic:


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