Saturday, December 30, 2006

Regarding Comments

Just for the record, as regards the list of comments recounted a few posts earlier from readers of, I should say that the final comment, from a guy whose nomme d'cluelessness was Hamlet, and which read...

It was Shakespeare, William and not Nietszche, Freiderich who wrote that. Stick to smearing pastels around, and leave literature to the literate.
...annoyed me a great deal. I responded with: "It was a joke, you nitwit."

To which there has been no further comment.

This, I suppose, is the price of fame--opening yourself up for nitwits to have their way with you anonymously. I should probably get used to it. And it makes me realize that exiting Corporate America in order to reduce the number of nitwits in my life was a faulty strategy.

I should add that I toyed, for quite a while really, with a more ambitious retort involving a fictional scenario in which Ray Nitschke, recovering on the bench from a grueling defensive series, hands some bottled oxygen to a fellow Packer and says: "O2 Brutus?"

But it was too difficult to make the joke really pop, and I didn't think "Hamlet" was worth all the effort, so I just let it go. There was also the one about the phonetic similarities of the words Hamlet and omelette, but I passed on that one too.


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