There's No Crying in Baseball
There's no crying in painting, either. But that's not the point.
Although Evelyn was my favorite character in "A League of Their Own", it is with some sadness that I report the death of Dorothy Kamenshek, the real-life basis for Geena Davis' Dottie Hinson.
This would, of course, be her:

She batted .316 in 1946--just for the record--and followed it with .306 the next year.
And these are the Peaches.

Jimmy also said something else that stuck with me.
It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great.You can find it at the very end of this:
You have to love those saddle-shoes.
Anyway, all of this brings me to tell you, dear reader, that we are almost six weeks away from the Third of July, which marks the end of Season Four of The Year of Magical Painting. Season Five will commence on July 4th. With fireworks.
I'm not one to clap myself on the back--at least not in a habitual way--but four years! That, my friends, is something. And let me tell you ... it's been hard.
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