Friday, December 10, 2010

For those of you on tenterhooks...

For those of you on tenterhooks, I am pleased to announce that The Annotated Ratner has been accepted for inclusion in the "Gentrification" show at the BAG Gallery. The show runs from December 18th through January 8, with the opening party on the night of the 18th, 6-10. All of which sounds like good clean fun.
I don't even know what a tenterhook is.
They were used back in the 14th Century.
Sounds grim.
Naaah. They were used to help wool keep its shape as it dried.
Yeah. Later, when they had machines to keep the wool in shape, they came to refer to a state of anticipatory anxiety.
Ahhhhh. Thank you for clearing it up.
You're welcome.
If you don't anticipate making the show but would like to weigh in on the painting, feel free to send along suggested annotations, either through the comments section or by private email. Annotations submitted so far include:
--Go Nets!
--Never heard of the guy.
--Good painting of a bad man
--No God, no shame
--Tar & feather him.
Closest to my heart would, of course, be "good painting of a bad man"--which is what I, the artist, dear reader, humbly attempt to do.
It would be fun if Jimmy McMillan would write something.
Jimmy McMillan. Ran for Governor of New York. Member of the TheRentsTooDamnHigh party.
Oh him. I loved his doo.
Me too.


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