Sunday, March 04, 2012

Naked Greenspan--The Early Results are In

I decided the other day that I wanted to buy a saxophone and teach myself how to play. I googled something like "Best value for saxophone" and came up with something called a Yamaha 23. I went on Amazon--where else can you buy a sax and get free shipping?--and looked it up.


Crikeys, that's a lot. My target number was roughly a tenth of this. So it's back to painting...

This is difficult for me, because I never really felt like life drawing (which is some kind of art school code for painting naked people) was my strongest suit. It is, however, the reason why some of you pay the money to subscribe to TYOMP--to see these things emerge, for good or bad, warts and all, insert additional cliche here, from whole cloth into actual paintings.

So here I stand, naked before you.
I thought it was Alan Greenspan that was naked.
We're both naked, man.
How does it feel?
Not too bad, really. I like the bottom image. Although not certain how to proceed from here. When you take the minimalist route, it's harder to go back and fix stuff.
For you completists: I had Eggs Benedict for breakfast with sausage (since my local breakfast spot doesn't carry Canadian bacon), and I'm now listening to something called "Van Morrisson--the 1967 New York Sessions." If I had this on vinyl I could die a happy man.

The canvas, it should be noted, measures seven by three. Greenspan is 5'5", so it's fair approximation of life-size.


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