Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Because Attention Must Be Paid

Does the name Olivia Munn mean anything to you?  She's an actress with a recurring role on the Aaron Sorkin/HBO show NewsHour.  She's been in a few movies too, and looks like this.  Which isn't a bad way to look ...

But her real claim to fame is her lengthy stint as co-host of the two-days-from-being-defunct, super-low-budget, slacker-talk-show called 'Attack of the Show' -- a program I was drawn into during my immersive exploration of the video game culture.

Don't ask.  Thank God I got out alive.

Anyway, Catherine Deneuve once said she was a good actress because she wasn't afraid to be ugly.  I always admired Ms. Munn's willingness to do literally anything.  This clip would be the zenith of that ...

I would urge you to fast forward to the 1:30 mark -- the part where they start taking shots (the stuff before it is stupid).  If you are in a certain demographic (unemployed, dis-enfranchised males, ages 15-30, plus me for academic reasons), the show, and particularly this segment, is legendary.  Numerous sources have confirmed that those actually are shots of Cholula Hot Sauce.  It is also worth noting that when they came back from commercial, Ms Munn was unable to continue and someone substituted for her for the remainder of the show.

Can you imagine?  To this day I remain moved by the look on her face after the 9th or 10th shot.

Because the show specialized in inappropriate adolescent humor, the two of them live-tweeted their physical reactions to the experience later in the evening.  I'll spare you that, but if you google #redhotpooper you can get the gist.

You're just doing this to make up for your mean-spirited rant of yesterday, aren't you?
Yes I am. 


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