Sunday, October 19, 2008

My schedule

Monday morning at 10--N.Y.Times is shooting a spread of me painting. That afternoon, I'm shooting Ali-the-waitress for a series of paintings (man, it's good to be painting waitresses again). Tuesday, Japanese TV is interviewing me in the studio for a piece about the financial melt-down. Wednesday, some guy is interviewing me in the studio for a documentary about Bear Stearns. Thursday morning, I'm on the Today Show (7:30-8:00). Thursday afternoon, back to the BSC documentary. Friday morning I'd like to do some actual freaking painting (unlike the pretend painting you do when the cameras are on). Perhaps later in the day, beers with my buddies Jimmy, Pat and the Gravedigger. Saturday morning, Eggs Mediterranean at Belleville. Saturday evening, the BAG Fund fundraiser.

Some people thrive on doing a bunch of stuff. Me? I find doing more than one thing per day exhausting.

Lord have mercy.


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