Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Joe Ades, the peeler guy, is dead.

Kindred spirits, he and I. Two hearty souls who step out the door in the morning, set up shop on the streets of New York and let the whatever-it-is-that-washes-over-us wash over us. Experience might be the right word.

"Want to buy a peeler?" ...

"Want to write something on my painting?" ...

Here's the piece the Today Show did on Mr. Ades. I'd imbed it, but the MSNBC website won't let me do it (even though they have a button inviting me to do so).

Question: How'd he get four minutes plus and I only got three and a half?

I, like about a zillion New Yorkers, actually saw the man do his thing. Feeling a bit sorry now that I can't buy a peeler direct from the great one himself.

There's a nice obit on Gothamist, but for some reason I can't grab that link either. Go to Gothamist.com and scroll down.


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