Saturday, July 13, 2013

Andy Warhol

My ambivalence about Andy Warhol has been widely and deeply reported on these pages.  Here's a photo of a sculpture of Andy made out of, I'm told, Wonder Bread ...

Now this is something I can get behind.

It looks dark for Wonder Bread.
It does, doesn't it?  But I'm just passing along what I'm told.
Maybe it darkens up when you smush it all together.

Here's a painting of Andy Warhol by Jean-Michel Basquiat, who I admire very much.  Titled "Brown Spots"

It would have been interesting if they'd both lived longer.  Or maybe it would have been horrible. I mean, if you think about it, who would want to see Jackson Pollock thrashing around his studio in The Springs, looking for the next big thing at age 60?

Likewise Andy (my theory being that he'd run his course, but I'm probably too negative).

Basquiat, however, I could see flowering into something really special.  More special than he already was.  I'm talking really special.

Here's a movie to watch ...


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