Sunday, October 19, 2014

Go Jets

Every football season involves three mantras. They are, in order: Go Jets, Go Giants, and Anybody but the Cowboys.  In a perfect world, we'd never have to worry about the third one.

But now, sadly, the first two seem to have flown out the window. The Giants may still right the ship and then who knows? But realistically speaking, all we can hope for now is for the Cowboys not to make the playoffs.

This puts us in the odd position of having to root for the Eagles. Which I'm okay with, because the mantra now is Anybody but the Cowboys!

Go Blue!  It's always fun to beat the Cowboys in Dallas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the J-E-T-S ARE D-E-A-D

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and onsocien

9:36 AM  

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