Friday, January 11, 2008

Now THAT is an article

As readers of these pages know, no one impresses me more than myself. That said, I am also impressed by my new best friend, Andrew Clark, and his take on my Lloyd Blankfein painting in what I call the Manchester Guardian but which may be more properly called The Guardian.

This from the article (which can be found here):

To be honest, I'm slightly better looking than this. I think Ms. Carpenter (see previous post) was shooting with a slightly-wider-than-normal lens, which adds a curvature to my face vaguely reminiscent of a banana.

Likewise, his description of me as a "slightly scruffy, mildly eccentric artist" holds, I believe, no water. Other than, perhaps, the slightly scruffy part. And anyone closely associated with The Year of Magical Painting would, I am certain, testify under oath that "mildly eccentric" is by now a dot in the rear-view mirror.

These, of course, are quibbles.

My favorite part is that Clark's series is called "On America." I find it soothing that somebody believes, if only for one bright shining moment, that readers of The Guardian (which number in the millions, surely), when it comes to matters American, need more than anything to know about me and my painting.

I should buy that boy a beer.


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